Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

New Years... sometimes a time for reflection & other times a time for promise; most years, both. I used to make resolutions until I realized that we should live our lives as we wish and as is good for us & not have to be worrying whether or not we keep a promise we made on New Years Day, which we wonder at the time we made it, why we’re bothering, because we know we won’t keep it anyway. So, since Wayne & I have been together, we make the same resolution, every year, & we haven’t broken it yet. We vow to not make any resolutions on New Years. Problem solved.
New Years is both happy and sad for me. For as long as I can remember, at midnight, I’d call my Dad & wish him a Happy New Year. I knew Mom would be in bed & he’d be ringing in the new year, up alone, so it was my pleasure to be the first to wish him well. So now, after Wayne & I wish each other Happy New Year, 16 years later, I still wish I could reach for the phone & once again call my Dad and make the same wish to him.

So, we ring in each new year with the hope that it’ll be a happy and healthy one for us and all of our loved ones & that those that are experiencing difficulties come through them with as little hurt as possible. I guess that’s all we can wish for.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Favorite Song

Do you have a favorite song? A while back someone sent me one of those 'getting to know you' emails with some silly questions like 'have you colored with crayons recently?' and 'have you ever skinny dipped in the ocean?' I wondered why anyone would want to know such things then decided it wasn't important enough of a question to answer or even ponder but then I got to the 'what's your favorite song?' question. That one stumped me. And I have to honestly say that it has been different songs on different days. It's the same with favorite movies, but that's a ramble for another day, isn't it!?!

My favorite song in the 50s was without a doubt 'In the Still of the Night' by the Five Satins. I still stop to listen when I hear that song. But since then I've gotten more into the Big Band Era songs, so there are a lot of different songs that I like but for the life of me, I don't think I could pick one out of the bunch of them to call it a favorite.

One day, years ago, when I was driving my dad to a radiation appointment, I asked him some questions that I knew I'd want to know & soon it would be too late to ask him, so I asked what his favorite song was. He hesitated only for a few seconds before he said "Laura." I asked why that song? What made it so special to him; he said he just liked the music. He never cared for lyrics, it was the music he cared about.

So, over the years I've thought about songs; some have sentimental meanings for me , some are silly & just fun to listen to (Does your chewing gum lose it's flavor on the bedpost overnight? comes to mind) Some are sad songs, a lot of them tell stories, but most of the Big Band Era songs are just what I want to be listening to, pleasant music that brings back fond memories or just lightens my mood. I can list songs that would be in my top ten: Moonlight Sonata, Polkadots and Moonbeams, Walk Through the Raindrops, South Rampart Street Parade, (well, almost anything by Pete Fountain,) String of Pearls, Stardust, Yours, Moonlight Serenade, The Night is Young and You’re So Beautiful, Because, I’ll Walk Alone, On the Sunny Side of the Street... whoops, that’s more than ten... guess I could go on & on because music has always been a big part of my life.

Two of my all time favorites are: To Each His Own and Once in a While.

What about you?

Monday, September 15, 2008


Today was not a fun day, although it started out just fine. We went to Firehouse Subs for lunch which is always a good thing. After that we went to the bank & Post Office and that was fine, too.

When we got home I went into the sunroom to look at my hummingbirds, which is my usual routine after being out. I looked at one feeder, there’s still food in it & a hummer on it; that’s fine. Looked at the second feeder, same thing. My eyes swung over to the third feeder & there was what looked like a branch on it, then I saw it move. Nope, that was no branch, it was a snake. Now being the smart aleck that I am I went up to the window & asked what kind of snake are you, I wonder & if it answered me I couldn’t tell because I was still safely in the house, so I called Wayne to see if he could identify this critter. He, too, had no idea. Oh great, now what. ::: lightbulb goes on in my head ::: call Huey. He’s our neighbor & said to call him anytime we have a snake & he’ll come take care of it. His wife, Barbara answered the phone; no, he’s not home.

Geez, what to do. Well, I come in, get my camera & take a few pictures thinking my brother will be able to identify this guy; he knows snakes very, very well. When he was a kid he always had pet snakes, so I was used to seeing them & they didn’t usually bother me unless I couldn’t tell if it was poisonous or not. Then I get a tad antsy. I was definitely antsy by now, especially when I saw it lunge at a hummer & my blood started to boil. Trying to get my hummer is not a way to endear yourself to me. So, scared out of my pants, because I didn’t have a clue what I was dealing with, I got a rake & a shovel. I’ll get this dude! Hooked it with the rake & knocked it to the ground. OH MY GOD, it’s headed right at me... run backward onto the patio & make sure the door is closed tightly but then thought, ‘ that sneaky little thing will probably go right back up & try to get my hummers again.’ So I grabbed the shovel, went back out (since I could no longer see it & didn’t have a clue where it was.) It was trying to climb up the brick, under the window & that wasn’t where I wanted it, so I took the shovel & slammed it into him/her/it. Ok, so now it’s stunned, so I had the upper hand (oh boy was I glad no one was taking my blood pressure right at that moment!) It had fallen to the ground, under the window, so I slammed down the edge of that shovel, right behind it’s head & I pushed & shoved & wiggled it until the shovel was at least 4” into the ground. It kept wiggling it’s body but no way was I going to let up. Finally after what seemed like a half hour, but was more likely only a few minutes I let up on it. Wayne said cover it with dirt so it can’t try to get away... ok did that but then I worried that it would slither out again. I checked it a few times throughout the afternoon & the dirt wasn’t disturbed so I guess it went to snake heaven; either that, or as Wayne said, it’s got a helluva headache.

So, after this adventure, to calm down, I came in & emailed the pictures to my brother, who immediately identified it as a corn snake; ‘harmless,’ he said, ‘unless you’re a hummingbird, of course.’ I almost, kind of, sort of felt bad that I killed a corn snake but then the picture of it lunging at my hummer came back to mind, so that made me feel better about the whole thing.

All in all, I’m glad the whole thing is over. That’s the second snake we’ve seen since we’ve lived here, and to be honest, that’s two too many.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I don't understand

I don't get it; will someone please explain it to me.

Our neighbor just bought a brand new motorcycle, stating that with the cost of gas, he can't see driving his truck to town whenever he needs to go. I understand that an old truck (I'd guess his might be 10 years old, or so) will eat up more gas than a motorcycle. Fine. Can he haul bags of groceries on the bike? No. Can he haul lumber, a tool box, any large item, anything larger than a screwdriver, wrench or hammer on the bike? No. So, he'll still have to use the truck for those items, right? Granted his wife has a car & does the grocery shopping in it most times, but he's a handyman type of guy; HAS to have the truck to haul stuff. He just paid $13,000 for a motorcycle to save gas money. How many trips to Lowes will he have to make on the bike to make up for the money he'll save on gas? Doesn't make sense to me. Maybe it's a man thing?!

Not my worry, I just find it puzzling.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Christmas in July

Christmas in July. We've all heard the term, some businesses will advertise Christmas in July sales prices. People laugh and say it's only five months until Christmas. Okay, I've got my Christmas shopping started but that's not the point of this blog entry. Yesterday, Aug. 31st. we walked into Cracker Barrel and the first display we saw was Santa, surrounded by napkins & tablecloths with various designs of Christmas scenes. Now, I'm a Christmas lover. I wear Christmas Ornaments for earrings, love to hear the Carols played in stores, actually some years I get into the Christmas spirit, but darn it, that's AFTER Thanksgiving.

To give them credit, they did have a small Halloween display up but now that I think of it, I didn't see any Thanksgiving displays. Guess stores can't do one holiday at a time; better push the BIG one, the money maker. I said to the cashier, "I can't believe they've got Christmas displays out already" and she said, "I thought it was a little early too." A LITTLE early? Is that like being a little pregnant? Either it is or it isn't. They might as well leave the Christmas items up all year. After all people must buy it, or they wouldn't display it, right?

It works

A while back, I was reading a blog that talked about a product that the author didn't recommend and it got me to thinking (uh-oh.) There are products out there that work, they live up to the hype about them, and then there are products that do zilch, nada, nothing of what they say they'll do. A few weeks ago, at lunch with friends, one of the gals dripped some ice cream on her aqua tee top & immediately whipped out one of those Tide-To-Go, instant stain remover sticks. I thought, sure, uh-huh, that'll work......... not. So I asked her if they really work & she said definitely; she won't leave home without it & she proceeded to wet & wipe the area. Before we left the restaurant, skeptic that I am, asked to see her spot & would you believe we couldn't find it. Gone. Completely gone. Wow, I'm impressed (& for those of you who know me, you know that's no easy feat.) So the next time I was in Wally World I picked up one of those handy pens. We love it. We've removed chocolate ice cream (do you see a pattern here, with the ice cream :) ), coffee, iced tea and a few unknown marks on even white tee shirts. Each & every one of the spots had been completely removed. Now, understand that these spots aren't very large, largest was, I guess, maybe quarter size, and they were fresh, but still they were gone. So, if you tend to pick up a spot here &/or there, I do recommend this little gadget. I won't say it'll rid you of all your spots, but it has helped us save a few shirts (& pants.)

Another favorite spot remover is Spot Shot but I haven't had to use that since the Tide pen came into our lives.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Ok, I know that a water lily doesn't exactly look like me, or really represent me, but it's a picture that I took & one that I like, so I used it. Don't like it? Sue me. LOL. Oh, wait, maybe I'd better not put that idea into anyone's head.

We just had a 4 day visit from a very dear friend of mine & what a great time we had. We talked & ate & thrift-shopped & talked some more & ate some more; well, you get the idea. It's soooo nice to have really close-close friends to spend time with. She drove for 11 hours, each way, just to come visit & I thank her for that. As much as I enjoy riding, in the past few years I've lost all desire to drive (ride) any distances. Even stopping & making the trip in 2 or 3 days doesn't appeal to me. Old age setting in, maybe? Hmmm, there's something to ponder.

My brother is a photographer... not just any photographer, but a great photographer. Ok, I might just be a tad prejudiced but I don't think so... his photos speak for themselves. His step-daughter started a blog that I started reading a few weeks ago, then he started one & that's why I thought it might be fun. Problem is, I have trouble thinking of topics I think might be of interest, where they don't seem to have any problem at all. It must be a talent some people have that just isn't present when I want it to be. Maybe I need to think harder, but, golly, when you're retired, you just don't want to have to think that heavily. But, I'll try... honest.

Bye for now :)